Saturday, January 4, 2014


 If there's one big regret I have, it's that I've never kept artwork from when I was younger. Had tons of stuff and I clearly remember a day when I took it all, crumpled it all into a giant heap and shoved it into a bin. To this day, I'll never know why I did that. I'd give anything to see it all again. (Not like it would have been any good, but just to touch that era of my life again...)

In any case, gives me a warm thrill to find this stuff online. I hope the boys don't mind me posting it up here. I went to school with the almighty Mano, who became a bass player with a band called Chromatic Death...


...and Mano asked if I'd help out with some art for flyers. Man, I loved doing this. Still remember drawing it up. Images aren't very good quality but you get the jist. Anyway, Chromatic Death eventually renamed themselves Moral Crusade due to another band using the name. Weirdly enough, one of my good friends here in Los Angeles was in the other Chromatic Death!

Ahhh. So much fun. I didn't do the flyers below, they just cut my bit in where appropriate. I bet Billy Brennan's Barndance didn't know what fucking hit it that night...

What got even more exciting was when Moral Crusade decided to record an album and myself and the insanely talented Paul Kelly did it for them. I designed it, Paul painted it up...

1 comment:

Donal Greene said...

Have you seen this video of the scene back 1989 in Baldoyle/Bayside